Saturday, January 29, 2011

Coop ... The Westie Who Listens To Stories

Coop is a 4-year-old westie.  Coop and his mom (Lynda) are a nationally certified therapy dog/reading team who volunteer once a week in a public school kindergarten class in North Carolina. The students read to Coop - who knows "Curious George" by heart - to build self-confidence and boost reading skills.
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The first time Coop and his Mom visited the class, they were met in the hall by several class "lookouts," who asked, "Is that Coop the Dog?" When Lynda said yes, they went running into the classroom shouting, "It's Coop the Dog, Coop the Dog!" 
Coop appears to be thoroughly fond of - and fascinated by - the students, and the feeling is mutual. The kids take turns reading to him, he sits and listens, he gets a treat at the end of the story, and each reader gets to pet or hug him before the next reader comes in. At the end of their visit, the teacher comes over and it's her turn to pet him, then she walks him to the door. When Coop's Mom takes the leash, the kids wave and yell, "Goodbye, Coop! We love you, Coop!" grinning all the way to the front door!
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What a great story!  This weekend I will be sewing a few special bandannas for Coop to wear the next time he goes to school.

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