Sunday, March 23, 2014

This is becoming a habit!

 It seems for the past several nights the westies have
taken it upon themselves to park in my TV
watching spot ... and because they are just so cute
I hate to bother them {silly me}.
 So ... last night I said to my DH {darling husband}
what am I going to do ... this is becoming a habit
with Julep and Derby.
 Honestly ... would you have the heart to move them?
 Dreamy looks ... melts my heart.
Anyway ... getting back to story at hand & what
my DH said to me in response ... 
Katie, why don't you get the dog bed [for yourself]
and bring it in [yes, he's still alive after that statement!].
Next house ... three {3} sofa's!


  1. BOL BOL funny but we suggest you take DH's place and give him the dog bed LOL.Have a serene Sunday and let us all get some big easy in today.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. What is yours is theirs ~ that is a dog rule. Did you not know that rule.
    Possessive pronouns yep dog is a common noun. But there is nothing common about those two.
    Sweet William The Scot

  3. Derby and Julep are lucky - my momma always moves me or has me sit on her lap.

  4. LOL. Wilson is lucky to be alive and I like Molly the Wally's suggestion.
