Saturday, May 31, 2014

MacDuffy, Rocky, Murphy, Opie, Julep & Derby

 MacDuffy is back in town from wintering in
Naples, Florida.  Welcome back to the shore MacDuffy!
 Rocky was my first encounter with a westie and I've
been in westie-love every since.  Mommy Leslie
took them to a local groomer I recommended
and she was very pleased with the outcome.
 Opie ... the story.  He was dumped at a local shelter
that Leslie's husband volunteers at.  He was in such
bad shape the shelter didn't want to take him in due
to medical expenses ... but Stan being the westie lover
he is talked them into taking Opie and stepped up to the plate 
and volunteered to 'foster' him to get him back in good
health and ready for adoption.  I knew Opie would
never leave their home.  Opie has made remarkable progress
and his coat [which as sparse] has come back nicely.  This
proves that with the right diet, right shampoo and TLC
anything is possible.  
Derby ... the supervisor
 Our old TV finally died and is now in TV heaven.
Little did the installers know that Derby would be here to
help them with the installation of the new set.

 Derby didn't leave his side and was checking every
move to be sure it went up to his specifications.

The westies are happy & we are happy that
we finally have a TV that works!
Hope your weekend is fun and entertaining.

1 comment:

  1. That is so nice that Opie is happy and well. LOL good supaw-vision there Derby and glad you have TV again. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly
