Wednesday, January 27, 2016

After the Snow & Eggshell Calcium

 I'm  happy to report the westies have become use to
the geese in the yard.  I find that amazing!

The bird seed is blended with cracked corn so I'm guessing
this part of the reason the geese are here. 
 Wilson has a few amazing pictures of the geese
landing.  He took them with his new lens.
 View out the front door.  We had a 'local' ring the doorbell and offer
to plow out the driveway and walkway.  Wasn't cheap but it
was worth it.
Boiling Eggshells to make 
One of the most important things [besides Omega 3] to add
to your pets diet is calcium.  On my Facebook group page 
I recommend to members [especially those that have new
puppies] is to add calcium to the diet.  This is especially important
if you are home cooking for your pet.  A simple way to
make your own calcium is to ... save your eggshells!

The Recipe is Pretty Simple
Wash the shells and let them sit on the counter
until you have enough.  Bring a pot of water to a boil then
place the shells in the water for approximately 10 minutes.  This
kills any leftover bacteria.  Remove shells from the water and
let them sit for 24 hours on the counter. 

The Next Day
Pre-heat the oven to 200 degrees.   Place the shells
on a cookie sheet and bake for 10 minutes.  

It's Time to Grind
Use a coffee grinder to pulverized the shells
into a granular form.  Note:  If shells are not ground into this 
fine powder form they will not absorb in your
pets system.  Store in a sealed jar.  

Next Step
Add a small amount to the food bowl once a day.


  1. Thanks for posting about the eggshell calcium, Katie. I'll try it! Right now Finlay is on Halo X-tra C and Grizzly Salmon Oil Omega 3. We're having a difficult time finding a probiotic that he'll tolerate and/or like. Any suggestions? I guess I could look at the FB page.

  2. This is helpful information for any dog owner, even if we don't have Westies. I've never heard about giving them calcium before~so thank you!
    Hugs, Noreen
