Monday, March 4, 2019

Pillowcases for Kids

 Derby is excited I'm making a bunch of pillowcases
for the kids at A Child's Haven in South Carolina.
 All in all there are 30 standard pillowcases.

 All were made using my existing fabric.
 It takes approximately 36" of fabric for one case.
26" for the case body + 10" for the cuff
that means my stash is down 30 yards of fabric!
 It was a rainy day Sunday so I finished the cases,
made the 2 bunnies and packed the
box so I could send everything out on Monday.
I added the bunnies to the box with a note that these
are for the lady who processes all the donations.
Here's to putting smiles on the kids faces.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, look at all those pillow cases. What a nice thing to do
