Wednesday, July 31, 2019

 Here is the second panel I finished that will be
donated to Outreach to complete and pass on.  
The House Block 
Tester Blocks 
I spotted several quilts on Pinterest called Village of Houses
which started me thinking ... I want to give this a try.
 I also thought it would be cute to use westie fabric
 for the doors.  We'll see how it goes when
I make more block with more colorful fabric.
Limelight Hydrangea 
The deer didn't get all the flowers and today we had
a flock of sparrows picking bugs from the flower heads.
Hoping we get some rain because we need it.

1 comment:

  1. That elephant one is adorable. That will look really cute with a westie in every door of the houses.
    Your hydrangea are so pretty. I noticed the other day that mine has exactly 2 flowers this year.
