Thursday, November 7, 2019

Last Day in the Outer Banks

 We went to the beach after lunch took photo's and did a short
walk.  Wilson's knee is still a little on the sore side post-surgery so
 we didn't want to push it. 

 Seagull looking for dinner.

 I got a little close for this seagulls comfort.
 It was a beautiful day on the beach.  In the distance the
mist started to roll in.
 I was surprised to see all the folks surf fishing.
 Looking for sea glass but found none.
 Waves crashing along the shore line.

 Some bird is missing a big feather.
We had a nice and relaxing week in Duck with
nearly perfect weather.  This evening I started to pack up
so we can leave on Friday when we like.
Normal check-out time is Saturday at 10a.m. and we
feel it really doesn't make much of a difference leaving
on Friday mid-day vs. Saturday.

1 comment:

  1. Well that went by quick. It seems like you were just saying you were getting packed ready to go.
    Love that first picture. It looks so peaceful there
