Friday, January 31, 2020

March of the Geese

It's that time of year when the geese hang out in the three
ponds behind our home.  When they want to feed they
stop by our property to root around in our yard.
. . .
We had stone left over from our front bed work which
was stacked on the side of our home.  I wanted to
see what it looked like around the back bed so
I've been slowly moving the stone around the
bed.  Wilson and I are in agreement that it looks
good.  Our landscaper will re-set the stone
in a more professional way in the spring.
Geese in the backyard = a barking session with the westie.
The march of the geese . . .  taking the feeding
party to our neighbors Scott & Heidi lawn.


  1. I can just imagine how crazy that makes Julep and Derby havning the geese out there.

  2. Mustang Sally and Finlay do not like geese at all! I know they are intertaining Julep and Derby!
