Friday, November 1, 2019


Why have a doorbell when you have a westie.
Julep is waiting for the kids to come our way.
 The landscaper wanted to get the plants into the ground prior
to our rain event.  With the bad weather we had last night
we were surprised that our new tree didn't get blown over.
 Our house is simple and we like it like that.
 Got to take down the Halloween decorations before we leave.
I've already started pulling Xmas stuff from the attic.

 I'm still in love with our mini-stone wall.  It's just enough 
without overshadowing the front yard.
 I want a stone bench placed in this bed because it
will add a little interest to a boring flower bed and
it's a good place to place to put things as I unpack the car.
 The pink Camilla loves this spot.  I also planted two small
Xmas Camilla's in this bed.  One will need to be moved
when the stone bench goes in.

 Spring dutch iris popping up through the
earth.  These are a favorite flower.
 We may do some fill-in planting in the spring
but for now this is just fine.
 We kept going back and forth on what type of tree
to plant.  It came down to a dogwood.
 I'm surprised we didn't have more kids in the neighborhood
ring our doorbell.  Since St Michaels is just 5 minutes away
our feeling is the kids can walk shorter distances between
homes and rake in a ton more candy.
Treat-or-treat is over for another year.
We haven't told the westies they are going on
vacation.  Today is packing the car with stuff
and getting the house in order.

1 comment:

  1. Your front yard looks fantastic. That stone wall is fabulous.
    Enjoy your vacation
